Victoria-Saanich CADORA Society

Victoria-Saanich CADORA Society
Contact Name: Heather Cormie
4420 West Saanich Road
Victoria , British Columbia, Canada
Victoria-Saanich CADORA Society is part of a network of dressage clubs across Canada linked thru a national association, CADORA Inc. The Victoria-Saanich club was formed in 1976 as a means of introducing the sport of dressage to riders in this area. From a core group of 21 members in 1976 the club has grown to over 150 riders and owners and is now one of the most active dressage clubs in Canada.

Each year the club runs six Equine Canada Bronze Level competitions as well as a combined Bronze/Gold show – the popular Capital City Classic. VSC also hosts international clinicians on a regular basis which gives both riders and auditors an opportunity to improve their skills. The club offers an annual Awards Program which recognizes members at all levels who have participated in the show series or as a volunteer.
Heather Cormie
Product Lines + Services
Clubs & Associations: Local-Riding, Provincial-National
Disciplines: All
Breeds: All
Posted: Apr 18, 2016


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