Peruvian Horse Association of Canada

Peruvian Horse Association of Canada
The natural four beat lateral gait of the Peruvian Horse makes this the most comfortable riding horse in the world. The gentle and even temperament makes the Peruvian Paso a pleasure to ride whether on the trail, working at the ranch or in the show arena. The inherent pride and energy (brio) make him look as though he is always on parade. The beauty, smoothness, energy, and easy manner of the Peruvian Paso is what gives the ultimate riding experience.
Product Lines + Services
Clubs & Associations: Breed, Provincial-National
Shows & Events: Expos-Conferences, Shows-Events
Disciplines: All
Breeds: All, Peruvian
Posted: Feb 10, 2016


One AC for the non-sweating horse — from the Magic Powder Company!

