Angel's Animals, LLC

Angel's Animals, LLC
Contact Name: Dr. Angelique Barbara

The Angel's Animals Holistic Seminars were developed by Dr. Angelique Barbara & are currently offered on-line to health care & animal professionals all over the world. The courses offered include Animal Neuro-myofascial Release (ANMR) Technique, Equine Kinesiology Tape Application & Canine Kinesiology Tape Application. These courses can be completed on the student's schedule without deadlines. Certifications are available for all the courses with additional examinations & case studies. The Equine Kinesiology Tape course was developed to teach equine professionals & owners how to apply kinesiology tape to horses. This course goes over the background of kinesiology tape, explains in detail how it works & demonstrates numerous applications to decrease pain, support specific muscles & joints, decrease inflammation, increase proprioception & increase energy flow through specific meridians. Equine professionals are eligible for certification through the certification course.
Dr. Angelique Barbara
Product Lines + Services
Education: Alternative Courses/Programs, Online
Horse Health: Alternative Medicine
Online: Social Media
Tack, Equipment: Saddles & Accessories
Horse Health Professional: Alternative Therapy, Massage
Disciplines: All
Breeds: All
Brands Carried:
Total Saddle Fit
Posted: Mar 31, 2017