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Take an inside look into the latest the scientific studies at the University of Saskatchewan's veterinary college, with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine's semi-annual newsletter: Horse Health Lines.

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Every horse owner should be familiar with his or her horse’s “normal” vital signs. Knowing your horse’s healthy, resting temperature, heart rate, respiration rate, capillary refill time, and gut sounds will help you realize when he is unwell. Additionally, in the event of illness or injury to your horse, being able to check and report his vital signs can help indicate to your veterinarian the horse’s present condition.

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Immobilization or stall rest is sometimes necessary for a horse's injury to heal, especially in cases of severe tissue damage (such as tendon or ligament damage and fractures), but other times keeping horses moving is actually a better approach. The key is choosing the right exercise for the type and location of the injury. We cannot just tell horses, for example, to engage their core. We have to design exercises that achieve the desired result.

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Hydrotherapy, the use of water to treat medical conditions, was first practiced by ancient Egyptians, and pools, saunas, baths, and tanks have historically been used to treat health concerns from arthritis to inulcers. Muscles have to work harder to move in water than on land, while the buoyancy of water reduces weight-bearing on bones, joints, and soft tissues, and the pressure exerted by water reduces swelling and inflammation.

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Electrotherapy, directing small currents of electricity through the skin for medical treatment, has been widely used in human sports medicine and rehabilitation to treat injuries and optimize performance. Various modalities have made their way into sport horse medicine and rehabilitation. Electrotherapies are built around energy sources that range from acoustics to vibrations.

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Equine sports medicine and rehabilitation is a comparatively new veterinary specialty. Sarah le Jeune, DVM, DACVS, DECVS, DACVSMR, certified equine acupuncturist, and Jessica Morgan, DVM, PhD, DACVSMR, both specialty clinicians at the UC Davis veterinary hospital, provided some insights into this topic.

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First Aid in Equine Emergencies - Almost every horse owner will encounter an equine emergency at some point. Whether it's caused by a horse’s natural curiosity, a mishap on a trail ride, or interactions with herd mates, accidents can lead to cuts, bruises, kicks, and bites. Scrapes, stone bruises, punctures, sprains, and sores can happen unexpectedly, while more serious conditions like abscesses, colic, or bacterial infections can arise without warning.

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In recent years, a growing number of facilities specializing in rehabilitation and fitness for injured horses have emerged in Western Canada. These centres cater to horses in need of recovery or improved fitness, offering a range of treatments tailored to individual needs. Services vary depending on the business, with options like treadmills, swimming pools, exercise equipment, saltwater baths, and solariums commonly available. Many centres also provide additional offerings such as bodywork, nebulizer treatments, and retail products.

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Knowing how to wrap your horse's leg is an essential skill for the attentive horse owner. Questions such as What thickness of bandage should I use on my horse's leg? How do I know when wrapping my horse's leg is appropriate? What supplies do I need? are all very important. With help from this article, and a little practice, you will have master these skills in no time.

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Thrush is a common hoof condition caused by a fungal infection that eats away at the tissues of the frog. It is found in the grooves alongside the frog and the cleft in the centre of the frog. If left untreated, thrush will advance deeper into the sensitive areas of the hoof and cause lameness.
