
job opportunities canada's horse industry, working with horses canada, gayle ecker equine guelph, university of guelph, industry survey equine

“There’s huge demand in Canada’s horse industry right now for grooms and caretakers,” says Gayle Ecker, Director of Equine Guelph at the University of Guelph in Ontario.

john swales million dollar club, National Reined Cow Horse Association (NRCHA)

John Swales is the first Canadian rider to win over $1 million in lifetime earnings in National Reined Cow Horse Association (NRCHA) classes and join the prestigious NRCHA Million Dollar Club. Swales earnings surpassed $1 million during the Alberta Reined Cow Horse Association Snaffle Bit Futurity, Derby, & Cow Horse Show in Claresholm, Alberta at the end of August 2023. He’s only the 27th rider to achieve the feat.

Canadian-bred horses earned a total of 22 All American Quarter Horse Congress Championship titles, 14 Reserve Championships and one Grand Championship at the 2023 American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) and National Snaffle Bit Association sanctioned show. Hosted by the Ohio Quarter Horse Association in Columbus, Ohio, the show was held from September 26 to October 22 at the Ohio State Expo Center. Traditionally this show is one of the biggest and most prestigious events within the North American Quarter Horse market.

What do you love about horses and riding? Is it the invigorating feeling of trotting? Is it the sight and sound of a whinnied greeting and head toss from your favourite friend? Or is it perhaps the comforting smell of the barn?

Available now, all 2024 HCBC Memberships are available for purchase! BC Summer Games 2024 - The Road to Maple Ridge Starts Now!

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Ever wondered if ponies can interpret human emotions through facial expressions? While humans may instinctively avoid someone with a furrowed brow, how well do horses understand our feelings? A recent study by Dr. Katrina Merkies, an associate professor and researcher at the University of Guelph, set out to answer this intriguing question. Dr. Merkies and her team conducted an experiment involving 20 lesson ponies and a group of skilled actors to determine whether ponies could distinguish between happy, sad, angry, and neutral human facial expressions.

The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada (DSC) is the proud recipient of the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) Outstanding Equine Sanctuary Award for 2023!
