Mare & Foal

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Caring for a newborn foal requires a thorough understanding of what to expect before, during, and after birth. Knowing what is normal and abnormal during this crucial time helps ensure a healthy start to life for your foal.

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Navigating the Mare Owner's Dilemma - So, you’re contemplating breeding your mare. As a seasoned breeder of top-notch warmbloods and the owner of Hyperion Stud, LLC, Vicky Castegren knows all about that decision.

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A horse’s skin covers an extensive surface area, making dermatological issues highly visible. However, while these problems are easy to spot, determining their root cause can be challenging. To provide expert insight into equine skin health, we collaborated with Dr. Stephen White, DACVD, a professor and chief of the Dermatology Service at UC Davis Veterinary Hospital.

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Improves Mare Fertility - Canadian veterinarians now have another option for treating endometritis in their clients’ mares. Canada is the latest country in which Settle® immunotherapy has received regulatory approval for sale. The product is also approved and available in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, and UAE.

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As winter subsides and a new season approaches, mare owners eagerly anticipate selecting the perfect stallion. However, before making breeding decisions, several crucial factors must be considered to ensure a successful and responsible outcome.

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Embryo Transfer (ET) is an excellent solution for breeding your top mare while allowing her to continue competing. This process involves breeding your donor mare—the mare you want to breed—and allowing her to carry the pregnancy for approximately seven to eight days. At this point, the embryo (the early-stage foal) is carefully removed (flushed) from the donor mare and transferred to a recipient mare (surrogate) for the remainder of the pregnancy.

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Separating a foal from its mother can be a stressful time for the mare and especially for her baby. But there are many ways to make the transition easier and reduce the risks for both.

How to Care for Your New Foal

After an 11-month wait, your foal has finally arrived! Now, it's crucial to provide the right care to ensure a strong, healthy start. Here’s what you need to do in the first critical hours of life.

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Whether using fresh, cooled, or frozen semen, the key to a successful pregnancy lies in timing, mare health, and proper semen handling. Here’s what you need to know to optimize conception rates:

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Ensuring a Healthy Start for Your Newborn Foal - The anticipation of a foal’s arrival can feel endless, but the moment your newborn rests next to its dam and nurses for the first time is finally approaching. While most deliveries are without complications, high-risk mares require extra attention. Early veterinary intervention and careful monitoring throughout pregnancy can help safeguard both your emotional and financial investment.
