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On August 6, 2020, a cloned Przewalski’s horse foal was born at the Texas veterinary facility, Timber Creek Veterinary, a long-time collaborator with ViaGen Equine in Cedar Park, Texas, a world leader in cloning services. To bring a cloned Przewalski’s foal into the world, they worked together with San Diego Zoo Global’s Frozen Zoo, and Revive & Restore, a conservation organization promoting biotechnology in conservation techniques.

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Genetic Study Challenges Common Beliefs - A study involving Arabian horses from 12 countries has found that some populations maintained more genetic diversity and that the breed did not contribute genetically to the modern-day Thoroughbred, contrary to popular thought.

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A possible new treatment for foal pneumonia that doesn’t risk causing multi-drug resistance has been discovered. Researchers at Texas A&M University and the University of Georgia found that gallium maltolate (GaM), a semi-metal compound with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, could be a viable alternative to overprescribed antibiotics. The research, funded by the Morris Animal Foundation, has been published in the Nature journal Scientific Reports.

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“I used to build props and worked in film and television production, and I had a shop in my garage at home,” says Russ Gray, cofounder of Veterinary Simulator Industries (VSI) in Calgary, Alberta. “My neighbour was the dean for the University of Calgary’s new Veterinary School. He knew that I built weird things, so he asked me if I could build the back end of a cow just to garner some interest for the new school at the agricultural fair in Calgary. He wanted the back end of three cows so that kids could reach up into the rectum and palpate a calf’s head. I contacted my business partner, Bryan Pfahl, and we created them for him. At the time we were doing all kinds of jobs for science centres and things like that during the course of our careers, so we just took it on as another project.”

Vaccine Against Foal Pneumonia Morris Animal Foundation’s Patsy Link Chair in Equine Research at Texas A&M University foal pneumonia r. equi, vaccines for pregnant mares, Harvard Medical School, rhodococcus equi

Morris Animal Foundation’s $2 Million Research Investment Offers Hope for Horse Lovers - After decades in the making, a vaccine against deadly foal pneumonia might finally be within reach, thanks to Morris Animal Foundation-funded research conducted at two major universities. The breakthrough could potentially save the lives of thousands of foals every year.

Artificial light has been used to mimic longer day length and hasten the onset of seasonal reproductive activity in mares. Extending the day length to about 16 hours is now a common management tool on horse breeding farms.

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In most cases, mares give birth quickly and without complications. The foal stands and nurses within an hour or two, and a few days later is following the mare around the pasture and snoozing in the sunshine. Sometimes, however, complications just before, during, or after birth can result in a decreased oxygen supply to the foal’s brain.

Researchers at the University of Guelph are searching for clues to better manage a virus that can cause late gestation abortion in mares. Horses carrying equine herpesvirus (EHV) may exhibit signs as minor as a runny nose and mild fever, but the virus is a major cause of neurological, respiratory, and reproductive disease, including abortions, in the equine industry.

Breeding Your Mare, equine bloodlines breeding, horse breeding for temperament, lindsay rogers, cycling mare, palpating mare, fertilizing mare, equine artificial insemenation, horse insemenation

From bloodlines to athletic career to temperament, there are many different reasons to breed your mare. While the mare owner may have no trouble making the decision to breed their mare and choosing the perfect stallion, sorting through the myriad details involved in the actual breeding process can be challenging. Being informed about mares’ cycles and the different options for breeding can help make the breeding process go more smoothly, especially for first-time breeders.

Why is colostrum important for foals, mare and foal colostrum, mare’s colostrum, Juliet getty, equine immunoglobulins horse, why do foals need colostrum, nutrition for foals, equine foal nutrition, feeding a new foal

Colostrum - you know it as the mare’s first milk. It is a complex fluid, rich in nutrients and immune-regulating compounds, all designed to give the newborn foal the immune support he needs to thrive. Unlike humans who are born with an initial level of immunity, newborn horses do not benefit from any placental transfer of immunoglobulins; therefore, they must consume colostrum in the first few hours of life in order to survive.
