Interviews & Profiles

Pippa Hodge therapeutic riding, canadian therapeutic riding, equine assisted therapy

2012 Readers' Choice Award Winner - For almost 30 years, Pippa Hodge has been an advocate for the benefits of horses and therapeutic riding for riders with mental and physical disabilities. Originally from England and now living in Langley, BC, Pippa is a paediatric physiotherapist specializing in Clinical Hippotherapy and a founding member of the American Hippotherapy Association, an organization dedicated to educating and promoting excellence in the field of Equine Assisted Therapy.

Hickstead Olympic Horse, Eric Lamaze at Spruce Meadows riding Hickstead

2012 Readers' Choice Award Winner - Why does Hickstead deserve to be recognized as one of Canada’s 10 most remarkable horses and people? “Because,” as Henry Swierenga of Smithville, Ontario, succinctly put it, “he was Hickstead.” The legendary stallion became a Canadian icon in 2008 when, with rider Eric Lamaze of Schomberg, Ontario, he won the Individual Gold and Team Silver medals at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

mara coote freeman passing, in memorium mara coote freeman

Mara's love for the horse and volunteerism within the horse industry was legendary. For six years, Mara was Vice President on the Canadian Equestrian Federation Board responsible for Breeds and Industry, founding member of the Canadian Horse Council, initiator of the Horse Industry Association of Alberta, regional representative and Board member of International Arabian Horse Association Half and Anglo Arabian Registry, and more.

Bishop family business, Wild West performer Bishops, Tom Bishop Wild West Show, Thomas W. Bishop, Buffalo Bill's Wild West, Sally Bishop, 4B Productions

Ordinarily, when you’re talking about a family business that has been passed down through the generations, with the parents eventually handing the reins over to their children, the “reins” are figurative. But then, the Bishop family business – consisting of daring feats on horseback, fancy roping tricks, and knife throwing – is anything but ordinary.

horse rider flexibility, horse rider-specific yoga, equestrian flexibility, yoga Louise Sattler, yoga for horse riders

For this article, I interviewed yoga for riders specialist Louise Sattler of Galloping Yoga. We discussed various concepts and exercises that come from the yoga tradition and align very nicely with sport and conditioning practices for developing flexibility. For a busy rider, the exercises below are accessible and easy to do almost anywhere.

tani zeidler horse farm zeidler breeding horses, zf bloodlines, julia tops show jumping

Tani Zeidler was 14 years old when she first discovered a farmer’s Quarter Horses living behind the lake cabin where her family spent its summers. Soon after, she began to frequently visit her four-legged neighbours. Before long, spending time with the horses had progressed to riding, and by the end of that summer, she was jumping over hay bales in the farmer’s field.

Heather Sansom, horse riding fitness, Amy Millar, equine fitness, horse rider fitness, optimal horse riding fitness

In "How the Pros Stay Fit to Ride, Part 1", I interviewed some of our top Canadian dressage riders to see what they did to cross-train for riding. In this article, I am happy to bring you interviews with top Canadian show jumpers Amy Millar and Amanda Hay.

Heather Sansom, horse riding fitness, Ashley Holzer, Danielle Gallagher

You might think that a professional rider can afford to take time to cross-train because they are, after all, a professional athlete. I work with some pros on a weekly basis and I have to tell you, you probably have more personal discretionary time available than they do.

raising kids riding horses, motherhood and horses, juggling children and horse, equine therapys

“Horses will always be waiting for you,” is a well-intentioned reassurance uttered too frequently and exclusively by loved ones who’ve never experienced the isolation of a hiatus from horses. My fiancé offered me the same phrase following the doctor’s orders to stop riding due to minor pregnancy complications that could worsen by the turbulence of a moving horse. This temporary farewell to my lifelong passion served as my first sacrifice of motherhood, and I felt the significance of it at the time.

Amber Marshall Heartland TV Show Interview

CBC’s hit TV series Heartland, a drama set on a ranch in the foothills of southern Alberta, has captured the attention of horse lovers across the country. The series centers on sisters Amy and Lou Fleming who live with their grandfather, Jack, on his horse ranch.




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Purina Canada Equine - It all started with horses.


One AC for the non-sweating horse — from the Magic Powder Company!